Coalition to Cure Calpain 3 is leading the charge to assemble the best scientific minds to solve limb-girdle muscular dystrophy type 2A (LGMD2A/R1). In celebration of ten years of progress in our mission to fund research for a cure and build global awareness, this week brings number three in our top ten highlights: our crucial role as a scientific leader in the LGMD2A/R1 community.

C3 is a scientific advocacy organization with a full-time scientific director giving us the expertise to direct research grants, host conferences, and represent LGMD2A/R1 externally in the broader muscular dystrophy research community. Evolving from our roots as an all-volunteer effort, C3 appointed Jennifer Levy, PhD in 2016 as our first scientific director.

Dr. Jennifer Levy, C3 Scientific Director

With Dr. Levy’s expertise, C3 is a driver of scientific research for LGMD2A/R1 treatments via our grant program and our work with academia, biopharmaceutical companies, government, and non-profit foundations. We identify opportunities for collaboration and engage around the globe at scientific meetings. Dr. Levy’s expertise on muscular dystrophy research is valued and utilized as an active participant on a federal advisory committee and as a member of the TREAT-NMD LGMD Taskforce.

Dr. Levy (pictured here) and our Scientific Advisory Board elevate C3 as a recognized leader in the LGMD2A/R1 research field and as a go-to source to understand the complexities – biological and clinical – of this rare disease. Our Scientific Advisory Board and the support of world-renowned muscular dystrophy researchers help us to lead the charge to a cure.

  • Dr. Melissa Spencer, SAB Chair, is the Professor of Neurology at University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). She has spent over two decades studying calpain 3 and LGMD2A/R1. 
  • Dr. Kevin Campbell is the Roy J. Carver Biomedical Research Chair in Molecular Physiology and Biophysics and an Investigator with the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.
  • Dr. Eric Hoffman is co-founder of ReveraGen BioPharma, TRiNDS, and AGADA Biosciences, as well as Professor and Associate Dean for Research, School of Pharmacy, Binghamton University – State University of New York. 
  • Dr. Louis Kunkel is Professor of Pediatrics and Genetics, Harvard Medical School, and Director of the Genomics Program at Children’s Hospital Boston. He is also Chair of the Scientific Advisory Committee for the Muscular Dystrophy Association.
To continue this important work, we need your help.C3 has a pinpoint focus: to drive research for an LGMD2A/R1 cure. Every dollar counts to help grow support and research for this overlooked subtype of muscular dystrophy.
Please donate now so that we can continue our strong momentum. Through your generous financial support we can do even more in the next 10 years to change the lives of patients in need.


C3 is Building Scientific Leadership
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